Dear Difference Makers,
You know … getting Students, Faculty & Staff laughing at themselves and each other is a GREAT way to keep things upbeat and interesting because understanding ourselves brings down defensive walls and puts the mind in an excellent state for learning.
With that said …
What are emotional upsets actually costing you?
Question of the day: What’s it costing you to not do something different and productive with the people in your life that are difficult for you to communicate effectively to?
There has been some research that has come out from the Institute of HeartMath about just how long it takes the physiology of the body to recover after an emotional upset.
They observed that it takes between 1-5 hours after an emotional upset for the body to restore its Homeostasis of the heart and nervous systems; and that depends of course, on whether or not we continue to remain upset – playing things over and over and over again in our minds.
Avoidance, abandoning or “in your face” confrontation methods for dealing with emotional upsets are not ever going to GIVE YOU productive, synergistic results.
Learning how to be gracefully skilled and confident with techniques that transform de-energizing situations in 30 seconds or less is the intelligent way for you to finally have more of what you want in life and less of what you don’t want for the long term.
To quote Einstein, “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” …
The Cruel Frog Experiment
Now, I am going to tell you something that I HOPE will make a difference in your life and the lives of those you care about …
The Cruel Frog Experiment
Several experiments involving the recording the reaction of frogs to slowly heated water took place in the 19th century, which even though cruel, illustrates what can happen when we live an unexamined life:
Phase 1 of the experiment: The scientists dropped a frog into scalding water. The frog jumped out immediately, and saved its own life by doing so. You and I would do the same. If we find ourselves in extreme pain or imminent danger, we will flee immediately.
Phase 2 of the experiment: was to put the frog in a pan with tepid water and place the pan on a burner. The fire under the pan was turned up ever so slowly, until ultimately it was boiling. The frog did not jump out and ultimately died.
This animal cruelty experiment illustrates that in NOT doing anything productive about difficult people or challenging life situations we literally set ourselves up for undesirable experiences.
What might happen if you started to deal directly with the people or situations in your life that are giving you the most challenge right now?
The Catch-22 – what” going on in currently undesirable – BUT – if we speak up using the current SKILL SET we’ve been using, it’s possible that it’s going to possibly get more undesirable … Right?
Here are some poisonous Frog Speak Reasons we tell ourselves to let well enough alone…
- I am powerless to change things.
- I have no control anyway, why bother?
- This is just too hard.
- There will be backlash – hell to pay!
- They will turn it around on me and tell me I”m the crazy one.
- It takes too much time and energy to bother with this person. They are impossible.
- What’s the use, they will never change.
- I hate upsetting anyone when asking them to change.
And the most debilitating of them all, in Frog Speak
Frog Reactions: Some of the current ways we’ve been handling difficult people and situations in the present and past that are not working is that we …
- Get angry
- Get in people’s faces
- Emotionally check out
- Leave
- Minimize or bypass it all together
- Use blame, shame, guilt and our disappointment to get them to GET IT
- Become invisible
I think you can see that it’s a Catch-22.
So in that way, we are like the frog, but the undercurrents are always there with the potential to heat up and affect our health, energy and state of mind; we’re not doing anything to remedy the situation because we don’t have the knowledge.
I know what it means to rationalize with FROG SPEAK Reasons … in just
4 short years my life, I went from being a highly successful professional to feeling like someone was running their fingernails down the blackboard of my soul.
In 1984, I lost my first child at birth, a year later I had a high-risk pregnancy, the next year after our son was born I divorced my husband, the year after that I moved to a new state, and when all of my job prospects and interviews fell through, I found myself a single mother of a two year old. At the age of 34, after striving hard in life to do everything the right way, I found myself emotionally and physically burned out and literally living on pennies alone in a huge, new city where I knew no one.
With the precious exception of my wonderful son, I had somehow managed to get everything in life I did not want!
Why did all of this happen?
LIFE WAS DEMANDING that I BE more, not expend more.
LIFE WAS DEMANDING that I take it upon myself to learn empowering skills on how to deal with my adult relationships much more effectively so I could become all that I could be.
That’s where the Color Personality Styles information comes in … by working from an easy to understand and apply PERSPECTIVE I quickly became an effective communicator where I had previously been victimizing myself over and over and over again.
AND so … Don’t be a FROG – Take Action!
My Connecting with Color Personality Styles System is so incredibly SIMPLE TO NAVIGATE when you learn how to Dial-In whatever Color Style people are in during the time that you are reaching out to connect.
Instead of working so hard to control the people and situations of your life – step into this opportunity in your life to invest in taking a short amount of time to learn how to DIAL your way IN to effective and synergistic communication.
This is the year to make the time now to quickly and easily learn the 4 easy to remember Color Personality Style Descriptions, Secondary Colors Combos, the 7 Life Areas of Interest and the ONE Technique that will remedy any and all intense situations.
Knowledge is power
– Oprah Winfrey
Grab my easy to read book Connecting with Colors: Discover the Transformational Synergy of Personality Color Styles to Create Harmonious Relationships at Work, Home & Everywhere! — and FEEL better fast by GETTING in CONTROL of your life!
Click here to peruse Connecting With Colors
And here’s what getting all of our different personality styles SYNERGIZED can be like… EnJOY today’s video going viral! Scot A. Pankey with Trish Parr and 9 others at A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School…
Reaching out …
Mary Robinson Reynolds, M.S.
PS … FYI: Preparation time to be ready to present Color Personality Style Descriptions is minimal for any one who already uses PowerPoint Presentation Slides.
PPS … The time is NOW to GEAR UP for this year’s professional development training and I’d love to come speak to your organization to train your group on the Synergistic Power of Connection ….
AND I’ve also created a program where you can DIY – it!
My Connecting with Colors book is a companion to my DO IT YOURSELF – Connecting with Colors Personality Styles UTrain Program – for your In-Service needs. YOU can bring this to your place of work…
Be the colleague everyone wants to work with and for;
Boost productivity and employee performance;
Ignite enthusiasm and excitement in your team!
Sounds impossible? It isn’t!
Find out how CONNECTING communication can instantly boost morale!
No matter what environment you’re in, chances are your colleagues get stressed out … burned out … and feel disconnected. As a member of the team, you probably feel the same way from time to time. You know that leads to lower morale, decreased productivity, diminishing performance, and ultimately a decline in job security.
Oftentimes “Color Style” communication is the number one culprit to these feelings. Misunderstandings lead to conflict. A lack of information leaves people feeling in the dark or confused. In short, bad communication plummets morale.
Thankfully there’s an easy solution.
Connecting with Colors 119 page book is the quick and easy read that you will want every one you know to have as your gift to them (to make your own life easier!)
Quantity pricing is available.